Here’s what luxury sellers need to know about thermal imaging. 
Have you ever considered being proactive when selling your home and using thermal imaging to determine if there are any water issues with your home? Recently, I sold a beautiful property that seemingly had nothing wrong with it. However, the inspector brought a thermal imaging camera with them that completely changed everything. 

As it turns out, the home had major water damage that was hidden from the naked eye, but the camera picked it up instantly. This completely changed the sale; fortunately, we were able to catch it early and address the issue. 

If you’re considering buying a home, hire an inspection company that is using a thermal imaging camera. This way, you can address hidden issues upfront. 

If you have questions about this topic or anything else, please call or email me. I am always willing to help!

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Throughout his career, Michael learned the importance of high-caliber marketing versus “traditional marketing”, which has become pivotal to his success. Over the past twenty years, LaFido and his team have developed a method that takes a more comprehensive, and proactive approach when positioning and marketing a home.